I found this blog today, Holy Experience, and it's great for everyone to do but with what I have experienced the last few months it means even more to me. I have a long way to go to get to a thousand, but it's just part of my journey.
My goofy best friend, father of my children and love of my life.

That I rarely have to use Buddy much anymore.
That my mom lives with us and gets to see her grandchildren on a daily basis.
That my son knows Who to go to even if it is just about how to assemble a necklace.
My Starbucks Frappuccino that I start my day off with, that and a prayer of course. ;)

If you would like to share your gifts with everyone hop over to Ann's.

Kee, Thank You for your comment. I have added links to the post about my daughter and her pain. Thank You for your Prayers. Hope you are having a great day. I love the praying pic. Blessings,
Great list! I especially got a kick out of your son praying for his necklace... but it is so true, at least they know WHO to pray to.
God Bless!
Very cool list. Super cute pictures too.
My knees bend in praise with yours -- such a BEAUTIFUL life He's given! And all the joy you'll have discovered by the time you reach 1000 (warning: joy and praise becomes happily addictive! :) !!)
So happy to give thanks with you.... All these gifts!
Thank you...
All's grace,
HI Kee, its been way to long, so sorry, I didn't email you back. Things have been upside down the last few months since my grandma got sick...please accept my apologies :)
Thanks so much for the encouraging comment you left for me. It means so much to have people surround and encourage me during this time :)
Kee, thank you for your kind comments! Your blog is adorable. Look forward to being thankful with you!
Cory =)
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!
God bless!
Kee, Great list! I love the pic of your son praying! How cute!
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