Friday, March 13, 2009

Starting This Journey

We have had a blog since my son was born in 2004. We were moving from CA to KY to be close to my family and we wanted a way that our friends and family could keep up with us and watch Ruben grow.

In 2008, I started following other blogs and went on journeys with women who lost their babies, faced divorce, dealt with serious illnesses, and even the death of their spouse. I was touched by the way they shared their pain so openly and honestly and I saw that it was a part of their healing process and helped others to heal also.

I wish that I had would have had a blog when I had to face certain challenges and tragedies in my own life. There is nothing worse than facing a tragedy head on feeling completely alone. Even if you know Jesus as you Lord and Savior, it's still hard.

I admire so many blogger chics out there, some I have been in touch with and some I haven't, being able to just be themselves on their blogs and I don't feel like I can be transparent on our family blog because it's more about my life as a mother and wife. And that is a big part of my life and while I love being a mother and wife and couldn't imagine not having my kids and my husband, there is so much more to me. So much I have experienced, so much I have seen and more importantly so much more to learn about myself, my God, and all those who choose to follow me on this journey.

It may be only one or two who choose to follow and that is ok because the truth is this blog is more for me than anyone else. I have things that I've never gotten out and I'm not sure I have ever learned to be a truly authentic person and at 32 it's about time I learn to be honest with myself about who I really am. So it starts on this blog and hopefully will translate into every part of my life.

So the journey begins.

I thought I would start or end some posts with a confession.
So here it goes:
Confession #1
I consider myself to be a Christian but know that I don't always conduct myself accordingly.
I don't regularly go to church, at times my prayer life only consists of meal time prayers and a very short prayer before bed. And honestly I can't remember the last time I opened my bible.

I do love God, I want to have a closer relationship with Him. Maybe His prompting me to create this blog will do just that.
I wasn't sure what in the world I would write on here but I started writing in a notebook and wrote 3 posts already. So I guess this is what I was supposed to do.



Tanya said...

It's increadible what you can experience thorough the blog world, how many lifes you can touch. I think it's a good idea to have a separate blog just for yourself. I am looking forward to reading this one. I like your writing very much, I'm really going to enjoy this blog!

KEE said...

Thank you Tanya, I was a little hesistant and needed to hear that :)

Sheryl said...

woohoo, way to go! what a wonderful first post. i've always felt that when i just sit down and write, without an agenda, it just pours out. you've done a great job.

i love the idea of a confession in each post. wow, that could keep us all more real and humble.

keep it up, i look forward to many more.

Unknown said...

I think this is going to be a great thing for you and for others. It's hard to become honest with yourself about how far away from where you truly want to be you are, but without a goal in mind how would you ever get to where you want to be?

By the way, I LOVE the look you chose!!! Those little monkeys are so cute!!! And the colors are just perfect together (actually very similar to my new living room colors--lol).

Hope you are feeling better!! I know you've had so much going on lately. Try to take care of yourself!!!

Miss you!!!

Pam said...

i'd like to keep up with you on this blog. thanks for letting me know about it. i don't see a followers button though!!