Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Please Pray

My FIL who just had an anjeoplast done when we went there (NE) a few weeks ago is now back in the hospital and not doing well at all.
The big blood clots are back in his legs and they are going to try to do a bypass but with the severe diabetes his has just makes things more complicated.

I can't imagine his mom being there at that hospital all alone scared to death, it's breaking my heart.

Please Please friends pray. I know I proabablly ask this too often but this time it's not for me. I don't know my FIL's relationship with God so please pray for that. I do now my MIL is a praying woman. So please ask anyone who you know that prays to please play for the Quinonez Family.

Thank you so very much.


nancygrayce said...

I stopped to pray just now! You have had your plate full lately!

Kelly L said...

I will lift your father in law in prayer - on a side note what a great opportunity to share His love by the power of prayer.

Love to you.

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh Kee...
I will pray.