While I'm not new a blogging, I am new to the blogging community and have never really participated in blog carnivals or tags, I'm not even sure of the the proper blog lingo for it all.
I was tagged by Carrie over at
Martin Manor Happenings. I have recently met her in the blog world, she has encouraged me to continue my new blog and brings a smile to my face daily with a comment she leaves or a visit to her blog.
There are some rules with this tag:
I need to link to the person that tagged me.
I need to share 7 things people may not know about me.
I need to tag 7 people to share 7 things and link to them.
I need to let them know they've been tagged.
Seven Things you may not know about me...
So let's get on with it....
1. I don't like coffee, the smell irritates me and I'm not sure why. Hubby is a lover of all things related to coffee, maybe there's a connection there, I won't analyze that one too much. :)
2. I didn't graduate high school because I was in a car accident at 16 and it was just easier to get my GED and then go on to college.
3. I lived in Los Angeles for two years with hubby, before he was my hubby, and it was a different world out there.
4. I hate shoes, I hate wearing them, I hate to shop for them, I just have no love for shoes
(quite now, I can hear your gasps all the way over here).5. I do however have a love for handbags, but won't let myself indulge in this obsession because I'm afraid once I get started I will never be able to stop.
6. I was a Big/Brother Big/Sister volunteer at the age of 18 and my lil sis was 8 at the time, she has remained a huge part of my life and her family has become my family. She's now 22 and has given me two beautiful nieces, but she is in need of prayer, not living a good life right now.
7. I do not like to watch a movie twice, just never seen the point in it.
So now I have to tag 7 people.
1. Jennifer at
Diapers & Dishes. I met her about 4 and a half years ago on an online mom's forum. We live about 5 hours away and met for the first time about two years ago and just yesterday I got to see her again and meet her new baby for the first time. She's an awesome mother and friend She's also written a great
book on breastfeeding, I encouage you to check it out.
2. Marla at
The Many Adventures of Josh and Jake. She has twin boys that are almost the exact same age as Roo and we met in a mall when the boys were about a year old.
She has been a lifesaver on days I thought I would pull my hair out and there is a comfort in just knowing I can be myself around her.
3. Sheryl at
The Perch, she is responsible for me coming out into the blog world and actually leaving comments on other peoples blogs. She was the first person ever to leave a comment on my blog that I didn't know and has given me the courage and inspiration to reach out to others and to start being more honest with myself in my life and on this blog.
4. Tanya at
Maya and Odessa, she's just awesome. She has two beautiful little girls and takes amazing pictures of them. She is so very talented, I'm hoping some of that talent will rub off on me the more I get to know her.
5. Pam at
Your Gonna Miss This, she is a single mother of six and her blog is awesome. When I think I have a rough time raising two with a husband, I click over and see what an amazing job she is doing with the circumstances she has been dealt and I'm inspired. She's also very honest and I love that.
6. Nancy at
Two Wonderful For Me, I am in the processes of getting to know her. She's a grandmother of three and lives in Fl. in a town that I spent many summers visiting growing up, such a small world. I can already see that I'm going to learn so much from her.
7. The last one I will tag is the creator of
Knotty Moose Designs if for no other reasons than to let all of you know about her awesome layouts and they are free. She's so talented and adds a header with each one so that you can save it and create a matching header to go with your layouts. AWESOME.
You should definitely check out these blogs if you haven't already, I can guarantee you will get something out of all of them.