I decided not to do anything related to St. Patty's day because I just have to be different. ;)
13 Things you may not know about me.
1. I have a yellow rose tattoo on my left shoulder in memory of my father. We both love yellow roses and I did not know that was his favorite flower until he died and my uncle asked me what my fav flower was so we could put them on his casket. I told him I had one but would prefer to put Daddy's fav flower on there and he said it was yellow roses, so I got the tattoo a few months later.
2. I kill plants. It's not pre-meditated. I just can never figure out if they need water or not. So I usually starve them or drown them.
3. I never planned nor wanted to be a stay at home mom. When my son was born I couldn't imagine leaving him with anyone else so it just worked out that way. Now that he is almost 7, I'm glad I was blessed enough to be able to stay at home.
4. I got my nose pierced recently but I had a really bad sinus infection and kept rubbing my nose. I had to take it out for two days and it grew up. :(
5. I got married in Vegas.
6. When I had my daughter I was put to sleep and they took my daughter out and my gallbladder at the same time. I had gallstones and they had to take her 6 weeks early because of it. But she was fine, beautiful healthy little girl. Thank God.
7. Purple is my fav color. I would drown my house in it if my husband would let me. We have to comprise on that.
8. I have no sensor between my brain and mouth. I keep working on it with no success.
9. I met my husband online a little over 10 yrs ago. It was on ICQ. He lived in Los Angeles and I in KY. I moved there for 2 years and then he moved here (KY) and we have been here for about 6 yrs.
10. I'm directional challenged. Couldn't read a map if my life depended on it.
11. I'm hooked on the reality shows on MTV. It's a secret of mine, guess it's out now.
12. I finally learned to drive a 5 speed at 30 years old.
13. Been married almost 8 yrs and my husband is still the funniest, kindest, gentlest man I know.