Sometimes there are no words, sometimes you just have to step back for a while. That is what I have been doing. I've withdrawn myself not only from blog-land but from friends and family. I just have not had the energy to put into anything or anyone else.
It sounds a little selfish and I guess it was. But I needed some time for myself.
God and I have been having a lot of conversations lately. I've been so focused on my sister and what was going on in her life that I forgot about all the blessings in my life.
God sent so many blessings our way during Christmas. I have a post started about all the blessings we received. Hopefully I will get it finished soon.
But for now I thought it was very appropriate that I come back to blog-land with a Multitude Monday Post.
48. All the
I love yous I get from my kids throughout the day.
49. Communication skills my husband and I have learned over the years.
50. Anonymous family from our church who made my children very happy at Christmas. I had no idea that they were going to get the kids all that they did.
51. My son for always making me laugh, he opened his Nike shoes and said "Mom, these shoes have check marks on them."
52. My son's Principal has been wonderful to our family, she is such a blessing.
53. Warm blanket and gloves my children picked out for me for Christmas.
54. Heating pad.
55. Ice cream in the winter.
56. A husband who will help me to color my hair. (he may have just been trying to save money:)
57. All the "For Dummies" books they make my life easier and I love them.
58. Christian music.
If you would like to share your gifts with everyone, hop on over to Ann's.