My focus has shifted to the pain that runs through my body on my bad days, the struggle I seem to be having with my faith, and a hundred other negative things I have been focusing on lately.
Today, there has been another shift. I am grateful, full of hope, so very humbled and thankful for every single blessing in my life.
How did this shift happen you ask, God and only God.
God in the form of a youth group that spent all of their day off baking cookies to deliver to the needy, home bound and elderly on their first day of Thanksgiving break. The cookies were good and brought a smile to my mom's face.
I heard God's voice today in a phone call from our church telling me there was a package I needed to come pick up. Well the package was actually three boxes of food and a turkey. They did not know, no one did, no one but God knew we needed those boxes today.
I saw the joy of the Lord in my children's faces as they helped bake a rainbow cake tonight, their favorite.
My son brought home a baby bottle from school last week to fill with coins for our local Christian Pregnancy Center. He went into his room and poured out his piggy bank and filled the bottle with all the dollars and coins that would fit without me even asking him to use his own money.
Tonight he brought tears to my eyes when he said they picked up the bottles at school yesterday and he didn't have anymore bottles to fill up with money for the babies and mommies that needed money.
Tonight, I had a wonderful night of cooking with my husband, playing with my children, laughing with my family and remembering all the things I have to be thankful for.
I have heard God speak to me in so many different ways today and have felt closer to HIM than I have in a while. He is answering my prayers, maybe not in the way I want, but HE's letting me know HE hears my crys and is always at my side.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!